Tuesday, 18 December 2012

The Last Blog For Studio 14 2012.

By Tristan Francis.

A pupil in S14

I'll miss Miss Tame. She was so enthusiastic, so kind, so caring, so... I don't know. She's leaving tomorrow, and like many people in this class, we've gotten so used to her we could cry. She is going to Aussie, but don't forget to support the All Blacks! (and your boarding passes) Today we had a super fun day, with the end of Novel, practicing Te Tuna prize giving, the the actual prize giving itself, then the Amazing Race part 4, then chillaxing and hot chocolates with chocolate explosions and chocolate fingers. Then Miss Tame gave us each a card and a present of a CD with the highlights of this year on it, and the movie as well. Now we're playing "Heads Down Thumbs Up". I'd like to thank all the people who know Miss Tame and who read this blog. Merry Christmas to all of you.


Tuesday, 4 December 2012

Christmas carols (remixes)

Hello. That is how I usually start stories that I am telling. Anyway, I would like to tell you my remix to "Jingle Bells". Sing the tune in your head while you read the words.

Dashing through the snow,
On a pair of rocket skis,
Dodging all the rocks,
 And smashing through the trees

The snow is turning red,
I think I might be dead,
I wake up in the hospital
 With stitches on my head.


111, 111, please take me away,
Take me in an ambulance to the hospital today, HEY!
111, 111, please take me away,
Take me to the hospital before I pass away.

In the hospital, 
I see the nurse on me,
She's jumping up and down,
And doing surgery

I'm dying in my bed,
I start to see red,
The nurse comes in and says "Goodbye!"
The doctor says "Hooray!"


The staff here are all bad,
They say I will survive,
They're making me so mad,
So death is my prize

I'm feeling woozy now,
My eyes are closing fast,
I'm starting to turn blue and - WOW!
Now I don't need to have a cast.


It was just a silly dream, 
I'm lying in my bed, 
Wait these are clouds, 
as white as cream - I'm dead!

I can see my ancestors,
They're waving at me,
They grant me another life and now
I'm going down the snow on skis.




Friday, 23 November 2012


A couple of days ago we did some science. We had a lid or a container and we got some milk and filled them so they were just filled on the bottom. Then we all passed around different coloured food colouring. After that we put dishwashing liquid in it and all of the colours mixed together and separated it was cool.

By Briar McCartin
On Monday we made clay heads.Everyones clay heads were really good i think mine was a bit boring and a bit bad.Im gonna give it to my dad for his christmas present but anyway everyones was fantastic and our singing was really good.        

Wednesday, 21 November 2012

This week i made a robot its got a really loud sound and flashing lights its got a switch that makes every thing goes off. Its got a car part on the jet pack it looks really cool its got legs and arms. I learned how to conect cables together and make things work. I learnt you cant connect cables when the power is on because you will get electricuted. I learnt how to make the lights working using batteries. The best part about it was decorating it with lights and the siren. It was quite cool. I enjoyed sharing it to the class and mr maindonald. By Jeffery  


In maths we have been cracking codes. We have used our fractions strategy 'we are learning to find fractions of a set' to solve the code. For example: 4/6 of 24 

Wednesday, 14 November 2012


This week we have been working on our personal recount writing. We had to write about our worst injury. This is my story.


When I was younger me and my dad would go biking late at night.

One night we were coming up to my street when dad challenged me to a race. If I bet him he would give me $2. I really needed the money so I accepted. I peddalled as  fast as I could but dad was beating me.

As I pulled into the driveway I was going so fast I was afraid I would crash into the house so instead I swerved into the mailbox.Big mistake. The fingernail on the ring finger of my right hand hit the mailbox and snapped off!

It hurt so much! Dad took me inside and bandaged up my finger and gave me $2. Every night we took the bandage off and put a new one on.

About a month afterwards at school my bandage was loose so I pulled it off. My class screwed up their faces when they saw my deformed fingernail

The lesson I learnt from this is whenever your mum or dad challenges you to a race with a prize, if you are losing hurt yourself and get the prize anyway.
By Kyla


When I was 3 years old, I had  a HORRIFIC accident!. Mum was doing something, My brothers were at School and I was in the lounge. There was a Mattress flooded with blankets and I was jumping like I was a Superhero!. Me went from Superhero to Super accident!.

Well I was 3 years old and I was doing something "Awfully silly" Mum thought. It was at my house in my home town of Sunny Palmerston North in a group of cities that were named after planets. I was jumping on a Mattress flooded with blankets until I cracked my fore head open on the TV set.

"Waah,Waah,Waah" I cried "Son, are you alright?" asked Mum but I just ignored her. Mum was NOT concentrating on anything but ME!. Mum had to get a towel to stop the blood dripping from my fore head, the towel was SO saturated!. We had a Home phone so she was just about to ring HELP!.

A stranger walked in and said "Do you want me to take you to the Hospital?" stranger says "YES" Mum replied. So me and Mum went into the Car and I was crying the WHOLE WAY!. Finally we were at the Hospital and I had to wait. Nek Minnit...... "Shhzt,Shzt" me straight into Surgery.

After I got all stitched up. And have got a Scar on my fore head thats still there since my Worst Injury!.
By Daniel

On Friday the 26th of October 2012 I was being dumb and swinging on the tree from a table getting people's attention and the branch snapped next second CRACK!!! SMACK!!! broke one wist fractured the other MASSIVE egg head LOL!. Two weeks later concussion not very pleasant. On the day I went straight to the sick bay in HEAPS of pain of course when I was at the sick bay I was shaking Marrien  called Mum and Dad but they were in town

WE have been doing some personal recounts and here is mine...

christmas burn 

well at frist my mum out some jelly in a crastal bowl and put some hot and some cold water.Then I was stirring and then five mins later splash I was  covered in hot jelly.Mum took me upstairs under cold cold water until my feet turned blue. Then I was on the road with mum to 24 hour surgery when I got to 24 hour surgery I was there for half an hour and I got cold cloths on me.The lady gave me some bandages from the doctor when i got home Chris and Briar where asking me if I was ok I said yes yes I am ok. Now I am careful when I am making jelly. 

 Hi guys today was home learning and i did you are all really gross.

i had props like a booger,pus,vomiting,faeces/urine,burping,earwax + a fart bomb after lunch we went roung the couner and i let it off it smelled bad and ruby picked it up and put it in rickis face haha.

then i put it in the outside bin its going to smeel tomorrow


Tuesday, 13 November 2012

Class snaps! 

We have been lucky to recently have Henry and Caleb join Studio 14. Here is a photo of all of us with the backdrop for our 'pinkbattman' scene in the production. BIG thanks to Briar and Ruby for designing the backdrop and to everyone who painted it. What a team effort! 

When a tree branch snaps . . .

It is a little late in the piece, but Studio 14 is wishing Kobe a quick recovery from his 'swinging on a branch' incident. This resulted in a broken left wrist, fractured right wrist and nasty concussion, ouch!!! Get better soon Kobes! 

Friday, 9 November 2012


On Wednesday night at 7pm we did our superhero production for the parents it was great. The parents thought it was funny , because Rieleigh came on stage and it was silent until a little boy shouted out '' Its a bunny ''. Everyone in the hall started laughing. Then when Rio came on stage the same boy said '' Its a snowman ''. There was over 60 parents there. When our class did our dance the audience started to laugh again. Because of Rio his belly was a pillow so it was jumping all over the show. It was awesome.

By Briar McCartin

Tuesday, 6 November 2012

Just a wee note from the Studio 14 Team . . .

We apologise for the lack of updates in the last week. We are busy putting together the Te Tuna production, Superheroes!!! We are the 'Pinkbattman' scene. 

We will be performing tomorrow evening at 7pm for families. Gold coin donation please. 

Looking forward to putting up some photos and reflections soon! 

Wednesday, 24 October 2012

Studio 14 New World supermarket visit!

We were lucky to visit the Kaiapoi New World to learn about the nutritional information for everyday and treat foods. BIG thanks to Theresa, Marianne, Tony and Marewa for helping us out today! We are looking forward to designing a healthy lunch menu . . . and spending the $60 of course! We made lots of connections to our Visual Language unit ‘ADVERTISING’. Here are some of our thoughts from today:

Josh - “I like how we learnt about different foods and how much stuff they have in it like sodium and sugar.”
Kyla - “I liked comparing foods and writing down the different colours of fruit and vegetables.”
Yasin - “Some foods have lots of stuff and some others have lots of that.”
Sam - “I like how we didn’t just do everyday foods but occasional foods too.” 
Callan “We found the ‘Coco bomb’ thing and it had a food pyramid on the back and it said 'lets eat healthy' but it should have actually been at the top of the pyramid because it had loads of sugar.”
Kyla - “If the food looks nice we are more inclined to buy it.”
Harry - “There was a ‘fruit bar’ in the fruit and veges area and its advertising had 'High in fibre' on it but it was actually really bad.”
Betty - “Special k hooks people in because it says if you eat it for one month you will get skinny.”
Callan -  “I learnt that chocolate milk has more calcium than other milks.”

Tuesday, 16 October 2012

Some visual language reflections from today . . . 
Kyla: “It was fun looking at some of the ads.”
Josh: “Learning different logos was cool.”
Callan: “I found out there were quite a few different things you need to do to make an advert.”
Rio: “Next time I want to learn some more language features.”
Ricki: “I found out that adidas stands for all day I dream about sport.”
Sam: “I found out the ads on tv target different people at different times.”
Tristan: “I enjoyed finding the differences between the adidas and lotto ads.” 
Here is some of us identifying the visual language features of adverts. It was fun! 

Monday, 15 October 2012

Term 4 thinking

It is term 4 now at KBS and we just came back from the holidays  (yay) Today we did thinking. For thinking we sat in a circle and explained what our favorite thing in the holidays was. Miss Tame started off saying she went to a sea fest in Kaikora then rieleigh said Miss Tame went to a sea fest in Kaikora and I went swimming at the pool and the next person said what Miss Tame did then what rieleigh did then what he did and so fourth. it was hard to remember what we all did in the holidays. Sometimes we had to ask what we did sometimes we,got confused but most of the time we remember. The last person witch was Kyla had to close her eyes and stand up and say the whole lot.                                                       THE END

Monday, 24 September 2012

In the holidays im going to see the wimpy kid 3. And going to dunedin to see my cousion by jeffery.

playing with my friends

Playing with my friends is really fun like,playing with a ball,running around. Having fun is the most 
thing I care about.Sometimes we have little fights but then we say sorry and go back and play and have fun.So remember treat people how you like to be treated.

Friday, 21 September 2012

Betty and her origami lesson!
We were really lucky to have Betty teach us how to make some origami on Wednesday. We had to use persistence and active listening to be successful. Thanks Betty!! 

Some of our Week 10 home learning positive feedback and questions:
Sam - Winnie the Pooh
Ruby - “You had a clear voice and i like what you chose.”
Josh - “Why did you choose to do Winnie the Pooh?”
Harry - “I like what you chose because you always choose something people don’t think of.”
Kyla - “The toys are really cute.”
Rieleigh - “I like how you chose something the others didn’t do.”
Betty - “What character you like the most?” 
Briar - Worm art!
Rieleigh - “How do you twist it?”
Kealy “I like how you chose something different.”
Ricki “Even I am not that magnificant to do something like that.”
Sam “I like how you didn’t just show us but explained it.”
Samuel “Why did you choose it? 
Sarah “I like how you chose art.”
Kobe - “Is it called worm art because it looks like worms?"
Daniel - Wrestling mania
Rio - "Do you have any 2012, 2011 or 2010 ones?"
Josh - "I like why you chose it."
Kobe - "I reckon you should do a whole page on triple H and DX"
Sam - "I like how you didnt do it on just a piece of paper but you did a whole book on it!" 
Samuel - "Why did you choose it?"
Harry - "Who is your favouritee smack down person and raw person?"

Yasin - Gingerbread men mmmm 
Harry - “What did you learn? Why did you do it?”
Josh - “I like what you chose and i thought it was a good idea.”
Sarah - “I like how you put the medals on it.”
Rio - “You could take those to the bakery and get your name on the wall.”
Callan - “I like how you got medals cos its part of the olympics.”
Sam - “Gingerbread men yum!”
Samuel - “I like what you chose.”

Kyla - The Tudor Royal Family
Rio - “Have you read the Bloody Mary one? She killed her family because she hates them. Can I please read the blurb of the Bloody Tower?”
Kealy - “What happened to Henry VIII wives? Did he kill them?”
Samuel - “I like what you chose?”
Betty - “You love books.”
Sam - “I love what you chose because its really old fashion and I could I maybe please read one?”
Jeffery - “I like what you chose.”

Betty - Origami balls
Jeffery - “The wee mobile, how long did it take you to make all the things?”
Sam - “I like how you chose origami which is a really tricky thing to do with all the fidgeting of the hands.”
Ruby - “I like what you chose and it is really interesting.”
Rieleigh “I like how you chose something from Korea.”

Happy Feet 2!
On Tuesday we were lucky to watch Happy Feet 2! This was our prize for winning the Senior Colgate carton competition at school. We chilaxed with the couch, cushions and some treats of course. We also invited Mrs Sandford and William to watch with us. They were big helpers in the Colgate race. Thanks Mr George for the movie and treats. 

Monday, 17 September 2012

Monday 17th Yellow Hat Reflections:

Yasin - "I liked it when we played bat down."
Josh - "I enjoyed reading the 'very bad jokes' book and I enjoyed fitness."
Sam - "I have been hearing some big ups."
Briar - "I enjoyed art."
Tristan - "I enjoyed skipping for jump rope."
Kyla - "I like doing reading at the library and art."
Harry - "Something good about the day was seeing my friends and my classmates."
Ricki - "Something that was good today was skipping and something I enjoyed playing was bat down because no one got me about for about twenty minutes and I smashed the ball." 
Kimberlee - "Something I enjoyed was skipping." 
Callan - "Something that was good today was novel."
Rieleigh - "Doing production practice because it was fun."
Rio - "Positives today for me would have to be playing games at lunch." 
Daniel - "One of the positives today was doing maths." 
Logan - "Today was a positive day because we went to the library."
Jeffery - "Something that was good today was maths interchange."

Friday, 14 September 2012

Week nine reflection 
This  week I enjoyed when we did kapa haka on wednesday because it was fun.
2 I noticed that Betty hear is fading.
3 I found out that novel is getting exiting.
by ruby

Our production

Right now, the whole syndicate is doing a really cool production all about this bag of gold and a letter saying on the front "THE RECIPE TO SUCCESS". The bag of gold gets back, but the letter doesn't. It goes off to all these other places, and ours is smack bang in the middle. We have the best part of all (of course) which is Pinkbattman in Gotham city. I personally have the most awesome part of all the play, CITIZEN 3!!!!!!! I'm really smart, and I get to be dumb for once! Yayyyyyyy!!! Some of my lines are: 

"What's a kangaroo?"
"The green grocer has lettuce!"
"Not too cute if you're a fish.

We are going to be performing tis production in term 4 and I am sooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo excited!
I'll be the best person of course.

week 9

Week 9 reflection

This week we enjoyed disco because it was fun.
I thought the disco was fun.
It was exciting when we were at the disco
Next time i want to get all my word wall test
by callan and josh

My big blue cod!!!!!!!!

Hi my name is Kealy and at the start of the year i bought a blue cod and it was from my shoulders down to my shorts and it was about 50cm or 60cm long and it was so heavy i had to have some one help me hold it  was probable because it was still had the hook in its mouth so it would be harder to hold but it still would have been really heavy but we had to let it go witch was a shame but at lest it got to live longer.
By Kealy.


on  13 th samuel and jeffry went to the disco we had a great time there we had a game of tag 
it was fun at the disco with the bright lights and it was dark outside and yummy food. by jeffery. this term was realllllllllllllllly fun because we had games and novel and lunch and fitness and long story short it was reallllllllllllllllly fun :D by Logan.
Week 9 reflection
This week I enjoyed going to the disco because it was fun.
I noticed that Miss Tames getting a bit stricter.
I found out that Miss Tame is funny.
It was satisfying when I got lots of money.
By Harry
This week I enjoyed getting subway on thursday.
It was satisfying when i took a bite because it was so yum!.
Next week I am Looking forward to getting subway next thursday!
It was hard but I managed to eat the whole thing because it was so delicious!

by Daniel [he was the one that had the subway!] and Kobe.[helped illustrate]


Yesterday at the disco it was so fun because all of my friends were there and me and megan went up on stage it was really freaky. Because the lights were shiny in your eyes and you couldn't see the audience it was awesome.
By Briar McCartin

Week 9 Reflection

This week I enjoyed my P.E because I had really fun.
I noticed that my learning has been great this week.
Next week I want to improve my reading because its at a 5 on the taxonomy.
It was exciting when when we finished the disco because everyone was talking about how good it was.
By Rio

Well done to our very own Studio 14 Learning Olympians! Callan, Kyla and Rio had many successes during their olympic mania inquiry. 

Wednesday, 12 September 2012

Today we had whanau time.Our band performed a 6 minute song it was good.And mr maindonald was talking about our kapahaka group and congratulating them.And he was congratulating the year 3 and 4s   for doing their production.we just finished wordwall.i didnt have to do it because im too busy writing this.by Logan

Wednesday, 5 September 2012


Sarah: "I thought it was the lights flickering because they had only just come on but then mum said it was lightning."
Sam: "I thought it was an earthquake because I was upstairs."
Logan: "I thought it was awesome."
Callan: "It was fun because I got to go to the top part of the house and eat chips."
Rio: "I was excited because it kept on coming up grey and purple in the sky."
Briar: "It looked cool because not every day you get to see lightning in the sky and it was really cool because it was purple."
Rieleigh: "Me and my brother saw sheet lightning and this fork lightning."
Yasin: "It was cool from the flash."
Samuel: "When I first saw the storm there was just a big flash of white and then my sister went "WOAH" and then we went to the front door and watched some more."
Kobe: "Me and Cameron were saying 10, 9, 8, 7, 6, 5, 4, 3, 2, 1 and sometimes it struck on 1!"
Jeffery: "Me and my dad and my little sister were watching tv and Katie ran straight out of the bedroom and I think she was crying. My little sister was crying. At the end I said to myself .. why did my sisters have to be so scared?"
Kimberlee: "I think the storm was cool with all the flickering of the lights and the thunder and lightning."

We did come writing about the storm. We had a choice for writing. The choices were to either write a fiction or non fiction story about the storm. Here is one

my story is fiction.
One day on Tuesday 4 of september 2012 there was a  HUGE  Thunder and Lightning storm in the hole of New Zealand it was so rough it killed one hundred people.There was banging and thrashing then one moment later a lightning bolt hit my sister who was 6 months old so when i sore it happened i rushed out side to help her and give her cpr but before i gave her cpr i ran in side to tell my mum what happened.How did i know she was out side well i didn't know the only reason i knew she was out side was because she was screaming her head of in the end she survived

Tuesday, 4 September 2012


Today has been very artistic! In the first block we were working on our calendar art and in the second block we went to Mrs Duxfields room to work on our Mona Lisa art. This week we welcomed a new kid called Ricki. On Thursday we will be going to see the cultural festival and the day after that we are having a daffodil day mufti day to support the cancer society.

Bye for now!!!

By Kyla

Wednesday, 29 August 2012

Home Learning Presentations 
Today we shared some of our home learning presentations. Then we gave positive feedback to the speakers. Our oral language skills have improved heaps since the start of the year! 

Daniel: Electricity and appliances
Rieleigh: “I like what you chose.”
Megan: “Good eye contact.”
Rio: ”I like what you chose because it is different. You always choose different ones and they are interesting.” 
Sam: Book characters on a mobile
Joshua: “I like what you chose, how to do the mobile.”
Daniel: “I liked it because you used your imagination.”
Jeffery: “You had good eye contact.”
Sarah: I like how you put all thew things on with fishing wire.”
Kealy: “I like that number 11 was a horse!” 
Briar: Canvas art
Harry: “That is so cool.”
Betty: “I liked the art.”
Megan: “I like what you chose.”
Rieligh: “I like how you always do art and how you presented it.”
Sarah: “I like how it is set out.”
Sam: “I like how it is spread out.”
Harry: The All Blacks
Kyla: “It was interesting the photos were in a hospital envelope.”
Daniel: “I like it how you did it on the sport that you like and my favourite part of that was the photos.”
Callan: “I like how you said, these are gonna be the next all blacks.”
Kimberlee: “I like what you chose to do.”

Megan: Banana muffins
Sarah: “Were they rotten bananas?"
Sam: “They look amaaaazing"
Rieleigh: “I like what you chose."
Kealy: “I like how you put sprinkles on them."
Ruby: :I think you read clearly and had good eye contact.”

Rio: ‘The junior All Blacks/Kaiapoi Rugby Team’
Daniel: “I liked how you kept it simple.”
Rieleigh: “I liked what you chose.”
Sam: “I liked how you got through the big fuss at the start.”

Josh: Hand made wooden candle holder
Kealy: “Is that special wood that has been treated so it won’t burn?”
Tristan: “How do you make the ridges on the candlestick?”
Kyla: “I like how you made it by yourself.”
Sam: “It is so original I have never heard of anyone do that.”
Megan: “I think you had a good voice, and eye contact and it was interesting.”
Ruby: “It looks really cool and I like the shape of it.” 

Callan: Marlin art
harry: “Your voice was clear and you had good eye contact and picture was really good.”
Kyla: “Your picture was really good.” 
Rio: “It was good.”
Ruby: “You had good eye contact.”

Kealy: Seahorses
Sam: “I like how you did something under water and that it is a horse.”
Ruby: “I liked you told us some of the species.” 
Betty: “I like how you coloured it in.” 

Kyla: Lisa Carrington
Betty: “I like how you went to Pegasus and tested your time.”
Harry: “I like what you chose.”
Jeffery: “I like how you did the poster.”
Sarah: “I like how it isn’t all bunched together and is set out.”
Callan: “I like the way you chose other gold medalists.”

Betty: Animal photographs
Josh: “I like what you chose and I think the monkey thingy doing the cartwheel was funny.”
Ruby: “The book looks really cool. “