Wednesday, 27 March 2013


Hello its Kyrah hear i just wanted to tell you about our feedback model for writing persuasive text so hear it goes

Person A reads aloud and shares
Person B gives 2 positives
Person B reads aloud and shares
Person A gives 2 positives

we did this to get better and to get feedback on what we could do better in persuasive writing

thanks for reading Kyrah

Tuesday, 26 March 2013

Hi. It's me again, ZarLi! I'm so happy today because it was a fantastic day! First we had Writing, then Crunch & Sip, then Health and finally Recess. When Recess was finished, we had Performing Arts, then PE&H, then Lunch. Now we are have Novel. Now it's getting dramatic when we read After. After Novel, we're having Math then Reading. If we have time, we may have Art. Today was a pretty good day. At Health, Andrew Embley came to our school. He is a WCE player. GO WEST COAST! His Dad was born in Burma like I am. I meet him in person. It was amazing. We are doing Basic Facts now. See ya next time!

                                                                                                                          ZarLi Htat Year 5

Monday, 25 March 2013

saya mempunyai empat kakak perempuan dan satu adik laki_laki.saya adik laki_laki nama dia shammah or t.j dan saya empat kakak perempuan nama mereka val,mary,moreen dan shalom.saya ayah nama dia tololima dan saya ibu nama dia siala.I have four older sisters and one little brother. my brother's name is shammah or t.j and my four older sister's names are val,mary,moreen and dad's name is tololima and my mum's name is jireh!

Thursday, 21 March 2013

My name is Jesh also Jeshua. I’ve made lots of new friends. Its fun in m7. My teacher is Ms Tame and Mrs Mitchel they both are the best teachers ever! My best friends are Jaxon  zach and Izaac but my normal friends are Josh,Blake,Sam,Levi,Keely,Jordon,Kaed,Reevf and Jess. I play speed ball in class and out of class we play medic. My other friends are  Michell, Kyrah and Connor. For sport we do tag leage!

Hi my name is Lattrice  this  is my  mahi.  Ko  mati  taku  koro  ko  lamont  taku  papa  ko ani  taku  mama  and  Ko  Latrice  Auho.  Some  of   the  words  are  moari.  I  was  born  in  new  Zealand  my  teachers  name  is miss tame 
From Lattrice Paddy-kiu.
                                                                whats up its Jordan 
    Hi guys I know I wrote on the blog yesterday but I have so much to tell you so here I go today  M7 had science for science we were learning about the sun which was very cool I sat in the front row by zach the questions were hard but smart. After science we had assembley it was an amazing  performance from M1 because they did it about road safety but they changed amazing songs and turned them into leasons that kids would listen to and my old teacher Miss. Clifton is there teacher which made it even better. Then when assembley was done it was morning tea I had a yummy snack at morning tea I sat with Jordan.w.l who is one of my best friends ever and Kyrah who is a really good friend when we were done eating we went into the under cover area to do some skipping but the bins were not out so we went on the oval to play soccar it was fun then the bell rang so we walked back to class when wew got back tp class we grabbed our water bottle and went to sport for sport we are doing T ball which for some people is painful because last time we played Josh got hit by a sot ball which looked painful and Connor who thought it was a good idea to use his face to stop the ball which again looked painful so today they were careful and used a glove to stop the ball when sport was done mr.scarle took us back to class for Reading I am in the highest reading group the Amphibians which had to make a poster about the human heart now people draw the human heart very pretty but it is not what it seams because the human heart is a round shapewhich is very strange because we now have to figger out where the pretty heart camr from.Very soon it is lunch time and I might be hangng out with Jirah and Rochelle doing cheerleading ang steaching our bones which is really helpful after lunch we have noval but we finished the other book so now we are reading After it is really interesting and it links to the other books that were also very detailed  and adventurus now when we finish this book we are going to read  Now which sounds amazing  and I an really looking forward to reading them all then  after noval we had maths . For maths we are doing some addition which is really easy but it can be hard  if they are big numbers.Sometimes I like to do maths with conters because we can make groups and litte towers. Now the next subject is a really ,  really fun one it is spelling. In spelling I like doing pyramids and wwaw which means word within a word  it is an amazing activity because I love activitys  like word within a word because they can be very hard and I like hard work. I do not have time to finish today but I will write again soon .

Wednesday, 20 March 2013

mi name is sam and i em living in a hlodayhaws and we are loking for hawsez and we are having trubl loking for hawsez. i em wode bcos i hope we get this 2 storej haws bcos i like this haws. i am hapi bcos johnny is vri $rich$ :).today it is thursday and it is mi dorday on friday and i am hape becos i hope i get sumik isidin.
by sam
I  thought  walla rugby  was  rely  fun  because  one  of  my  good  friends  in  halls head  was  there  by  levi.
today at walla rugby we came first it was a hot and cold day but really fun because we all worked together we bet the 4 different schools when we got to class we all chilled my high score of touch downs was four 4    by zach w

Tuesday, 19 March 2013

Hi. My name is ZarLi and I'm 10 years-old. I was born in Myanmar(Burma) and I grew up in Yangon(Rangoon). My birthday on 13/12/13. It's a long time but I'm excited. One thing I'm concern that nothing bad will happen at my birthday because my birthday this year will be on the 13th of Friday! My friends in my old school always said that the date 13th of Friday is an unlucky day! I hope it's wrong. Also, on the 17th of March, Me and my friend Pyae Pyae went to Adventure World. It was fun, but I was scared because I nearly drown. Just then, M7 finished Once & Then. It was so emotional, in a sad way, that I nearly cried. I feel sorry For Felix and Zelda. It was adventurous too. I'm really good at drawing and sports. In my old school I was Champion Girl 4 times in a row! It was cool! I hope I get Champion Girl this year. It would be awesome! Tomorrow, the Year 5s have to do Walla Rugby and Rugby is one of my favorites. I'm settling in M7 very well and I love this class. I love art too. This is not the end of me. I look forward to seeing you guys. Bye!

                                                                                                                     ZarLi Htat Year 5 2013

Amphibians reading group

hello everyone today i want to tell you about the Amphibians reading group it is made up of Kyrah  Zar Li and Jordan . we are trying our hardest to perfect our blooms taxonomy. this is a way to show our thinking in a different of the tasks was to design a poster that will help teach others about the blood and our heart it had to include
a title
some fun facts
this is what mine looks like thanks for reading Kyrah

On Wednesday 20th March, all the year 5's in Meadow Springs Primary School are going to do walla rugby on the big oval next to our school.There are going to be lots of schools their to compete with.There's going to be lots of games. IT'S GOING TO BE FUN!!!!!                                                                                                                                                         By Taryn  

Tuesday, 12 March 2013

The Adventures of Spyro the dragon

Once upon a time lived a purple dragon named Spyro purple dragons are special because they are born every 10 century. Spyro lives in dragon islands where everything is peaceful until now..
Spyro's greatest enemy the shadow master has stolen Ignitus Spyro's father. So he sets off on an adventure to find him.. 

Along with Spyro's best friend Spark the dragonfly of course they set off on a thrilling adventure.On the way Spyro learns to breath fire,electric zaps,ice shards and earth shothe also learnt to fight one of his skills he learnt was a mellee which goes like this. First you headbutt the enemy which knocks them in the air then you jump up while there still up  in the air do a back flip hit them with your tail do a side flip hit them do a front flip knock them to the ground and breath fire.when he was ready he went to the shadow masters lair.  

 This is my argument writing...

I agree dogs should dog in the class room.                                                                                        

My first reason we should have dogs in class room ,fun ,funny and silly.

My second reason they are fun ,crasey , sleepy and lazy.

 My thard reason they are funny , garding and sportey.

I feek  that they are really ,really, really , fun and funny.  

By Josh

Tuesday, 5 March 2013

hi my name is charli and i love to play with my friends also, i love gymnastics and Roshelle and i have mad a routien and it is turning out really good!
Also i have lots of friends in M7. i love to have good times when i am sad.
oh i've got to go bye.  ;b see ya ;]

Friday, 1 March 2013

Hello guys it’s me Keely I’m here to tell you that On Fridays we have a big run called TO BROOME AND BACK. Each Friday we run around two ovals 1 small 1 humongous. Then at the end we count up our scores and see if we have run enough kilometres to get to Broome and back got to go c you later. From  Keely.
josh  today  has been  a good  bcaues is been  fun,funny today.