Monday, 17 September 2012

Monday 17th Yellow Hat Reflections:

Yasin - "I liked it when we played bat down."
Josh - "I enjoyed reading the 'very bad jokes' book and I enjoyed fitness."
Sam - "I have been hearing some big ups."
Briar - "I enjoyed art."
Tristan - "I enjoyed skipping for jump rope."
Kyla - "I like doing reading at the library and art."
Harry - "Something good about the day was seeing my friends and my classmates."
Ricki - "Something that was good today was skipping and something I enjoyed playing was bat down because no one got me about for about twenty minutes and I smashed the ball." 
Kimberlee - "Something I enjoyed was skipping." 
Callan - "Something that was good today was novel."
Rieleigh - "Doing production practice because it was fun."
Rio - "Positives today for me would have to be playing games at lunch." 
Daniel - "One of the positives today was doing maths." 
Logan - "Today was a positive day because we went to the library."
Jeffery - "Something that was good today was maths interchange."

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